Minor Material Amendments (MMA)
This is required for larger changes and subject to what you want changed, can often be more challenging to get approved. An example would be that you would like to change the layout of the approved scheme or for instance move an approved extension. It is the same extension just in a slightly different location. The planning authorities would consider this to be a minor amendment and would need to investigate the impact the change would have to any neighbours.
Sometimes there can be a number of changes for instance the structure of an existing building approved for refurbishment into residential dwellings, is different than previously thought and the unit mix, layout and external appearance of the scheme needs changing. In this instance Landic can provide an opinion of whether the alterations can be amended under a Minor Material Amendment or a new application needs submitting. In certain instance a Non-Material Amendment will also be required to be submitted alongside the Minor Material Amendment.
Non-Material Amendments (NMA)
This is suitable for a small change and should not be difficult to obtain. A good example of this is if you need to move a window or door along a wall. In truth nothing much has changed, the wall is still in the same location, the same size and design. The only time that this might be challenged is if the moving of the window or door impacts on privacy for others.
NMA applications can also be required if a larger change is required under a Minor Material Amendment that also requires the description of development on the decision notice to also be changed. Landic Planning can provide the expertise in these cases and can managing the stratgey of the best way to deal with the amendments.
Planning permissions are always approved subject to certain conditions being met. If you fail to discharge (meet) any of the conditions it could invalidate your planning approval and risk enforcement action.
Amendments to planning permissions will mean altering these conditions, such as the condition requiring the scheme to be built out in accordance with the approved drawings and documents. However, there is an almost infinite list of potential conditions that could be imposed. The most common conditions usually relate to materials, paving, parking, drainage, trees and transport.
Anyone of these could require changing before, during or after works have been undertaken and the process and strategy of doing so will be dependent on the scenario.
Landic Planning can help you with this process, resolve any enforcement action and submit retrospective applications if required.